Felicia Y. Kristanto (ZSTU)

Ditulis oleh admin 26/07/2016 0 Komentar
I was interested to study in china because I love to study many languages and mandarin is one of the most important language for the past few years. I saw that china has a lot of business potential that made me decided to study more about china. So I chose ICEO to handle everything, since a lot of my friends have been trusting ICEO to study in china and it went very well. ICEO gave me quite a lot of choices and I decided to study in ZSTU,Hangzhou. I finally made my decision to study in ZSTU because it is the closest city to where my business took part. In ZSTU, I can see that students can learn mandarin faster and fluent than in bigger cities because there are less indonesians. ZSTU was great, and it was memorable to be there and I miss it :')
我选择在中国学习是因为中国现在已成为领先的国家。因为在杭州附近还有业务,所以我选择去杭州学习。我是从朋友听过ICEO,他们所有很满意。当时ICEO给我几个选择,我看到ZSTU是一个很好的大学。所以,我选择ICEO帮我在ZSTU报名。 在浙江理工大学,我可以看到,学生可以更快和流利的学习普通话,因为在杭州不是很多印尼学生。在浙江理工大学学习让我很开心,我不后悔我去中国留学。我很想念中国的生活。
- Felicia Yoshephine Kristanto -